We are constantly striving to improve the services we provide to you, and we welcome any comments or suggestions that can help us to do so. To provide your feedback, please join our patient group.
Please note that this forum cannot be used to deal with medical matters or complaints.
Join our Patient Participation Group!
What is a Patient Participation Group?
A patient participation group (PPG) consists of patients and staff who work together in order to come up with ideas that can help to Improve the practice and ensure a better experience for everyone.
What do we do?
- We take into consideration any feedback that has been provided, using both staff and patient ideas and suggestions on how to respond in the most appropriate and effective manner.
- The patients will provide insight as to what the patient experience is like. We offer ways of improving services that may be below expectations and are always looking to develop.
- We provide information upon health and wellbeing towards all patients of the practice.
Ways to contribute:
By joining our PPG, you can attend meetings where discussions take place. This is where you can have your personal input and help to improve the foreseeable future. We are looking for people of any age, gender or background to become a part of our PPG, participating in online surveys and providing development suggestions.
If you are interested – please contact either Zoe Downs (Bell Green Health Centre), or Julie ASH (Longford Primary Care Centre) for more information.
Where are the meetings held?
Our PPG meetings are held at the Practice on the date and times allocated for each meeting. Multiple meetings will take place throughout the year to allow for a continuation of improvements that can be made over a consistent basis for both short and long term benefits.
What will be discussed at PPG meetings?
The main purpose of PPG meetings is to discuss what the Practice needs to improve on and how we can do so. Patients will be able to express their thoughts on what they believe would be beneficial and by communicating different ideas the Practice can hope to implement such suggestions to improve the experience for patients.
How do we use this to improve our services?
Once a summary of improvements has been suggested, we will gather the ideas and review them, identifying the most valuable feedback and making it a priority to implement these ideas in order to improve our services.
We will then look at how we could further improve upon such suggestions and aim to deliver these changes through the Practice. All staff members will engage with any new action plans and systems put in place to ensure that the newly made changes are implemented successfully.
We will then monitor these changes and analyse them over a period of time, in which we aim to see how impactful they have been and whether they are improving patient experiences and the services we offer. The overall aim is to improve the practice in general and to consistently ensure patient satisfaction and optimal service quality.
What is not involved in our PPG meetings?
The meetings / discussions held are not an opportunity to voice personal complaints or issues with certain staff members, as we have started before, they are solely for the improvement of the Practice as a whole.
How to join our PPG
If you would like to take part in the discussions held within our Patient Participation Group meetings, please fill in the PPG application form and return this completed form into our reception. Alternatively, download the application form (DOCX, 34KB) which can be submitted by emailing: LPCC.BGHC@NHS.NET