Every day in the UK 9 women are diagnosed with cervical cancer and 3 women lose their lives from the disease every day. Cervical cancer is the most common cancer in women aged 35.
75% of cervical cancers are prevented by cervical screening (also known as smear tests), however 1 in 4 women do not attend this potentially life-saving test.
So what happens?
You receive a letter through the post asking you to make an appointment for a cervical screening test. The letter should contain the details of the place you need to contact for the appointment.
Screening is usually carried out by the practice nurse at your GP clinic. You can ask to have a female doctor or nurse.
If possible, try to book an appointment during the middle of your menstrual cycle (usually 14 days from the start of your last period), as this can ensure a better sample of cells is taken.
It's best to make your appointment for when you don't have your period.
Cervical Screening - it's important!
Useful Contacts
More detailed information on cervical screening can be found at this link: Cervical Screening
CancerHelp UK
Cancer Research UK's information on cancer screening.
Cancer help
Easy-read screening information
Macmillan and Change have produced this easy-read guide about cervical screening.
McMillan easy read guide (EXTERNAL PDF LINK)
Marie Stopes International
Marie Stopes International provides private sexual and reproductive healthcare services.
Marie Stopes
Screening information for transgender service users
Gov.uk: NHS population screening: information for trans and non-binary people
Women's Health Concern (WHC)
WHC provides an independent service to advise, reassure and educate women about their health concerns, to enable them to work in partnership with their own medical practitioners and health advisers.